
Bookbinding Adhesives

Despite the growth of electronic books & tablets, traditional books remain extremely popular. Providing the correct Industrial adhesives for bookbinding is challenging because there are such a wide variety of materials, binding styles and machinery.

Books are often a treasured possession and must stand up to years of hard use, so finding the correct adhesives is crucial.

Ace supplies commercial adhesive products for every bookbinding application and has a superb reputation for quality and technical expertise in this market.

Bookbinding Adhesives Uses

Hardback Books

Hardback books require a large range of industrial adhesives because of the different processes involved. Our most popular products are:

  • CM50 – Casemaking on high speed machines
  • CM595 – Casemaking on very high speed machines
  • J2243 – Back-lining
  • Lunatack HL3379 – Spine glue with excellent roundability
  • Swiftmelt 8584 – Spine glue for difficult papers
  • Planamelt – Spine glue for very difficult papers
  • Swiftmelt 8776 – Side glue
  • Lunatack PS3406ZP – Pressure sensitive side glue
  • DEV265 – Casing-in for dfficult papers
  • DEV47 – Casing-in for easier papers

Many other commercial adhesive products are available for specific machines. Please contact us for further details.


The number of commercial adhesives needed for paperback binding are far fewer than required for hardbacks – but the task is no less demanding. With a wide range of binding techniques, papers and machinery using the correct industrial glues is essential.

  • Lunatack B340 – Spine glue, great all rounder at low/medium speeds
  • Swiftmelt 8584 – Spine glue for difficult papers
  • Lunatack HL3415 – Spine glue, great all rounder 
  • Planamelt – Spine glue for very difficult papers
  • Lunatack HL7216 – Side glue
  • Lunatack PS3406ZP – Pressure sensitive side glue

Many other products are available for specific machines. Please contact us for further details.

Magazines and Journals

The number of industrial adhesives needed for magazine and brochure binding are far fewer than required for hardbacks – but the task is no less demanding. With a wide range of binding techniques, papers and machinery using the correct commercial glues is essential.

  • Lowmelt 8500 – Spine glue for high speed binding
  • Swiftmelt 8584 – Spine glue for difficult papers
  • Lunatack HL3415 – Spine glue, great all rounder
  • Planamelt – Spine glue for very difficult papers
  • Himelt 9000 – Side glue for high speed binding
  • Lunatack PS3406ZP – Pressure sensitive side glue

Many other products are available for specific machines. Please contact us for further details.

Bookbinding Adhesive Products


Casemaking on high speed machines.


Casemaking on very high speed machines.



Lunatack HL3379

Spine glue with excellent roundability.

Swiftmelt 8584

Spine glue for difficult papers.


Spine glue for very difficult papers.

Swiftmelt 8776

Side glue.

Lunatack PS3406ZP

Pressure sensitive side glue.


Casing-in for dfficult papers.


Casing-in for easier papers.

Lunatack B340

Spine glue, great all rounder at low/medium speeds.

Swiftmelt 8584

Spine glue for difficult papers.

Lunatack HL3415

Spine glue, great all rounder.


Spine glue for very difficult papers.

Lunatack HL7216

Side glue.

Lowmelt 8500

Spine glue for high speed binding.

Himelt 9000

Side glue for high speed binding.

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